Monday, October 7, 2013

Reef Aquarium keeping has sure changed.

Yep, Reef Aquarium keeping has sure changed and apparently so has my picture taking, because I can't find a single picture of our previous Reef Tank.  I found a picture of an empty tank and bookshelf with Reef Aquarium books as the background in 1993, but not a single picture can be found of the tank up and running.  And now you know what Mr. C and I looked like back in 1993.
Yes, he did have a mustache back then and wore short and t-shirts.  In fact, all he would wear were Jeans and t-shirts.  I was a lot thinner back then and didn't have silver hair yet.  I've had a good couple hours in Memory Lane looking through pictures from 1991 through 2003.  Some sad memories, some happy memories, some completely hilarious memories which, if he saw them, would mortify the young teen he is today, LOL.  Oh boy do I have "black mail material" galore, LOL.  So I guess I'll just start with telling you that we've always loved the ocean and the creatures in it.  In fact, it's a toss up as to what my favorite "subject" is, the ocean or fantasy with dragons, castles, etc.  The way "MY" mind works though, the ocean and fantasy can go together, with sand CASTLES, and sea creatures and dragons.  I collected sand castles before I met Mr. C and took Castle as my last name.  Fortunately, Mr. C's favorite subjects are also the ocean and fantasy.  I have had various aquariums since I was about 10 years old; small ones and large ones.  There's usually at least one aquarium of some type going in our house.  We decided we wanted to have a reef aquarium back in (apparently) 1993.  We researched very deeply and planned carefully for our tank.  Back then a person basically took wild collected reef stuff and tried to keep it alive in a closed aquarium system.  There were MANY different methods of doing so.  Some were extremely expensive with all the latest equipment possible and some were extremely simple.  All the experts, of course, claimed their way was best and we finally settled on how we wanted to go about setting up our aquarium, which was a 75 gallon tank.

We chose to use a combination of what was then called the Berlin (Natural) method using live sand and live rock (rocks taken from living reefs) to help with the filtration.  In addition, we had a smaller aquarium below the large one (called the sump) that had the mechanical filtration units that another group believed in using.  Mr. C built our stand and the lights which were not only expensive to buy (they had to be replaced every 6 months as the light would degrade as the bulbs burned down and corals need certain strength of lighting to survive) they were also very expensive to run.  There was an even more expensive option, but we chose to go with the slightly less expensive and less hot method.

We then discovered a group called G.A.R.F. which stands for Geothermal Aquaculture Research Facility run by Leroy Headlee.  GARF had come up with a very simple method of reef keeping that could be done by anyone and was less expensive than other more technical methods.  As always, some people feel that the GARF methods are bunk, but they had the pictures to prove their theories.  Their main aim was to "Save the Reef a piece at a time".  They were doing research on ways to basically FARM coral (Aquaculture) in home aquarium set ups.  They wanted Reef keeping to be available to anyone, not just the very wealthy.  They were dividing/fragmenting and regrowing corals before anybody else even knew you could do so.  So we used a combination of these methods that seemed to meet our wants and needs.  We really enjoyed that Reef Tank for several years.  I also had a small sea horse aquarium (actually 2 of them, one for dwarf sea horses and one for full sized).  We often brought things back from our ocean going trips to add to our tank.  Obviously when we flew this was not possible, but for the trips where we drove, we sometimes planned trips to get things for our tanks.  More memories, we've sure had fun during our 24 years together, LOL.  But finally life got in the way and we took the tank apart and sold it off.

Recently I've decided I want to have another tank.  We've had to compromise due to our extended vacations by only having a small tank and I am very fortunate that my sister G is willing to come out weekly to be sure everything is running correctly.  The other compromise we made was in not getting any fish or anything that has to be feed daily.  Many corals are photosynthetic so that is what we are aiming for.

This time instead of being mostly Mr. C's tank, it is my tank and I'm responsible for being sure it gets cared for properly.  He helps with heavy stuff and as an advisor, but otherwise it's my tank. So once again, the books came out and research began.   BIG surprise, though, things have changed drastically in the 15 or so years since we set up our first one.  For one thing, lights have changed. Many people are using LED lighting now.  It is very bright and it doesn't get as hot, they are less expensive to run, and the bulbs don't have to be changed every 6 months either.  As LED lighting has caught on, the companies have picked it up and are creating special LED light fixtures that mimic daylight and moonlight on a shallow reef.  We found one we really liked by FluvalSea.  It is not the most expensive, nor the highest in watts, but from their literature, they have done their homework, it catches all the wavelengths of light color to as closely mimic daylight on the reef as possible.

As I began to research, I remembered Leroy and SallyJo Headlee and GARF and wondered if they were still around.  Good old Google to the rescue, there they were.  Some of their old research and newsletters were hard to find, but they were still there, although sadly, Leroy had a stroke and has since passed away.  SallyJo is carrying on though trying to carry out GARF's mission.  I decided I wanted to just use GARF's Bullet Proof Reef method, which is one of the simplest of simple.  No extra filtration, just the tank, the live rock and live gravel for starters.  So I began.  It was kind of a rush thing, because although I've been thinking of this for about 6 months I had just decided I wanted to do this before we left on our last vacation.  Setting up a reef tank takes time to cycle it properly and it goes through several ugly spells before it is pretty.
I have a horrible time being patient through the cycling, so I got the bright???? idea to set it up before we left so that it would cycle while we were away and I wouldn't have to worry with being impatient and messing with it, so we quickly got what I needed for a small, 29 gallon, reef tank and started setting it up.    I'm sure Mr. C was about ready to have my head, we did NOT need more "things to get done" before our trip, LOL.  I'm so lucky, he loves me
so much and spoils me rotten.  So, we got the tank and live sand for it. I wanted to set it up the GARF way for the "Bullet Proof Reef Tank".   We decided this time around we would start with dry rock (which is dry rock from an old inland ocean reef) and just add a couple pieces of live rock (rock from an established reef tank or actually from an aquacultured live rock farm in the ocean).  We purchased the dry rock from MarcoRocks (Key Largo Rock is the one I chose) and it arrived quickly, well packed and wonderfully sized pieces and the rock itself is great, very porous and with lots of little nooks and crannies.  I started playing with it out of the tank first to see how it would fit together.  The pieces kind of "interlock" together like a building set of some kind, just because of how the various protrusions and nooks and crannies fit together.  This is how it was set up at first:

Then I needed a couple of small pieces of rock with Coralline Algae on it to start seeding the entire tank with Coralline Algae (if your tank grows coralline algae, you have a healthy start, but it needs to have some somewhere to start).
I joined several FaceBook reef tank groups in Central Illinois and found Reefs R Us which is just 45 minutes away was having a pre opening sale.  I asked if I could possibly purchase some used gravel from one of Aaron's tanks and some coralline scrapings from his tank or rock.  He said sure, but he would give me that.  So we did that.  Aaron Derment and his family are true gems.  He not only gave me the gravel, but also gave me two small pieces of "rock" that were coralline covered.  They also happened to have some soft corals on them.  One had a small Waving Hand Anthelia Colony and the other had 2 Green Hairy Mushrooms growing on them.

We got one more small piece of rock from Sailfin Pet Shop in Champaign for additional coralline algae and it happened to have 2 small striped mushroom corals on it as well as a larger flower leather coral which was just hanging on by a thread.  I removed the leather coral and placed it into a cup like area in  my favorite piece of dry rock.  I am hoping to "confine" it there as from what I read, it is a fairly aggressive coral.  It seems quite happy where I placed it.  The striped mushroom corals are also happy, so happy in fact that one of them has produced a little baby (just above and to the right in the dip of the mushroom in the picture).
Then a lovely gentleman, Joel Simpson, posted that I needed some more coralline rocks in my tank.  He had just downsized his tank and had some extra he was willing to part with and it was wonderful rock.  So I rearranged and added it to the tank.

As a final aid to getting the tank cycled quickly and as painlessly as possible, I ordered some GARF (Geothermal Aquaculture Research Foundation) Grunge (which is very well used gravel from their long established tanks with lots of coralline algae and other various little critters etc. in it.  This time I was a bit disappointed in the Grunge.  It was much muddier than what I remember purchasing for our original large tank).  In addition I ordered some "Reef Janitors" (various types of snails and hermit crabs to help with the algaes that crop up during the cycling process).  Because the GARF Grunge was so incredibly grungy, I took every piece of rock out, stirred the

Grunge lightly into my new gravel/sand bed, let it all settle and then replaced the rocks and small corals.  With all these additions, I found I was out of room and had too much rock, so we placed a smaller (20 gallon long) tank on the stand below the 29 gallon tank and started a second tank.  It is primarily going to be a grow out tank when my corals get large enough for me to start dividing them (this is called Fragging which is cutting a small piece off or dividing a colony to made a new small start, much like you do for many house plants).  In this picture, it looks a bit cloudy, but it was clear when we left.  It has 2 small live rocks in it as well as one piece of rock covered with coralline algae and both tanks have GARF Grunge, as well as Janitors.
This is what the main tank looked like the day we left (3rd revision or rearrangement).  It has an automatic top off unit that makes it not need to be checked more than once a week, which my great sister, G, and my Mom do when they come to pick mail up from the post office for us.   It did what it was supposed to while we were gone and was nearly ready to start stocking when we got home.
The tank has gone through several revisions in the past several weeks although I can't change it again, which I'll explain.
We got home from our trip and the tank was clear and the few pieces of soft coral in it were alive and acting happy (which simply means they were expanded and laying the right way).
On Saturday, September 21, the Decatur Reef Tank group held a Frag Swap.  That sounds kind of bad, doesn't it, LOL.  It isn't, though.  It is a get together where people can either swap, buy, or sell coral fragments (frags) that they have created.  Some people deliberately purchase a large piece or quantity of a coral and divide it into pieces which then are glued onto some type of frag plug.  Other people let their own corals grow out and when they start to outgrow their tank, they divide it and again glue it onto a frag plug.  Some people really compromise and make frags that are barely even big enough to see, let alone be viable fragments from which a new coral will grow and others are quite scrupulous about either the size or the length of time they allow it to heal and start growing before selling.  I've discovered this last group is the group I prefer to deal with.  So my sister and went down to Decatur (an hour drive for me and about an hour and a half for her since she came to pick me up first).  There were about 7 people selling there, about half were vendors with stores and the other half were hobbyists selling their own coral frags.

 I purchased some macro algae called Cheato to put in the hang on the back refugiums we decided to add to our tanks.  These are small 1 gallon plastic/acrylic, rectangular tanks that send water from the main tank, through the small refugium and out an overflow back into the tank.  This picture shows the refugium on the upper right hand corner behind the aquarium, you can see the green Cheato in it.  For me this refugium will serve two purposes:  it will hold macro algae (which is good and not nuisance algae), which will provide food and habitat for some pods (which are copepods or amphipods which are teeny tiny organisms--some vaguely shrimp like--but almost microscopic) which in turn will help feed the tank if they get into the tank through the overflow water returning to the tank, and the algae will also help in regulating the pH of the main tank, which is very important.
So, I got the cheato, as well as a mushroom rock (a rock with 6 or so lovely blue/purple dicosoma (smooth/flat) mushroom corals),

several small colonies of Zoanthids which look like buttons with fringe around them and are in various wonderful colors (unfortunately, the more colorful the more expensive, LOL),
I have this one nice dead piece of brain coral skeleton and decided I wanted to put Zoas in various places on it so they can grow along the bumps and crevices to make an interesting addition to the tank.  You can see in the photo below with the blue/green Zoas with the long brownish fringe have been attached to the brain coral.

I also received a nice sized Kenya Tree Coral for change from a vendor without change, LOL.  It is a soft coral that looks like a tree and is a great indicator of when something is out of whack in water parameters.

In addition there was a very nice frag of a pinkish pulsing Xenia.

A really interesting Toadstool Leather Coral that looks like a little green football with long smooth polyps poking out from his football body.
I got a very nice serpent starfish and a brittle starfish to help keep the tank clean and a couple more snails and hermit crabs for the same purpose.  We purchased some raffle tickets that a school was there selling raffle tickets, for a school reef tank, with prizes being donated by the vendors and the club members.  They said we didn't have to be there for the drawing.  It was such a small, but fun and interesting, swap that we finished our shopping and decided to head back home.  We figured we never win anything anyway, so no big deal.  We arrived home and started taking the items purchased out of their bags to start acclimating them (after dipping them to guard against pests that might hitch hike on the coral or the coral plug) and my phone rang.  I won some coral at the raffle.  I asked the guy how long he would be there and he said until 4.  That gave us an hour and 20 minutes to get there.  I told him we were on our way back (remember, this is an hour drive each way. . .).  I should have just told him to pass it on to somebody else and considered it a donation to the school.  But we were so excited we actually won for once that we jumped in the car and drove back down there.  We got there about 3:40 and the raffle people were gone as well as the prize I had won.  So we explained the situation to the people still there and sighed and turned to go back home.
They were upset that we had made a second trip down there to get the coral raffle prize that 2 guys quickly grabbed frags from their own and gave them to me instead.  That was really thoughtful and much appreciated.  These were three small SPS (small polyp stony) corals, which I really didn't want to get because I was trying to stay with things that didn't need fed, LOL.  But it was still so nice and the SPS corals are cute.  So we headed back home.  G had to go on home to let her dogs out so I started getting the frags put away.   I did find a couple hitch hikers, but apparently did something wrong in my dipping because everything in the tank got very upset and I thought the brittle star was going to die.  I managed to grab him out (gently, of course) and moved him into the smaller tank's refugium to see if he would survive with the clean water.  Two items/critters, I didn't know what they were, also came up out of the gravel like they were trying to get away from something (I'm assuming the same thing that was bothering everybody else).

I grabbed them out because there are some things that will kill your corals and others that are good helpers in the reef tank and I didn't know what these were.  They looked a lot like a couple little tiny pickles.  I posted pictures on the various groups FaceBook pages asking for identification and whether they were reef safe or not and finally wrote to Sally Jo at GARF to see if she had any idea.

I also did a 6 gallon water change and rearranged the tank again so everything would fit where I wanted it.  Everything settled down except the blue/purple mushroom rock.  Those mushrooms were just plain unhappy, they wouldn't spread out and lay flat, they changed color, they were stretching up like they wanted more light.  In the next couple days I moved them all over the tank trying to make them happy.  Finally I broke the rock up into 4 pieces and placed them in different areas of the tank to try to find the conditions that would make them happy.  Normally the smooth mushrooms like to be in more shaded places like a slight overhang and at the bottom of the tank with not much water flow or movement.  As I was doing all this I noticed that I didn't have enough shadowy places to place mushrooms and I plan to have a lot of mushrooms.  So Mr. C helped me rearrange the tank ONE LAST TIME to allow more shadowed areas.  It looks so nice, although still pretty empty.

This is getting too long and too picture heavy, so I'll close here and continue in a part II.  Thanks for reading along.  Smiles, Sue C

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Packing up and heading home.

Sunday, September 15, 2013
Gulf State Park
Gulf Shores, AL
89*, a beautiful, sunny day

I haven't written a blog post in quite a few days because nothing really exciting has happened that would fill up a whole post.  We've had a few little moments of excitement or of interest, but nothing worth a whole post.  Wow, it's already been a full week since my last blog post.  Time sure flies when you're relaxed and having fun.
Since we head for home tomorrow, though, I thought I'd fill in with all those little things today.  This whole week, there have only been one or two other RVs in our area of the campground.  But Friday night, they started rolling in and Saturday, this is what it looked like in our section. There are still other areas of the park, though, that were completely empty.  I guess it will be kind of a "ghost campground" until November 1, when the Snow Birds start rolling in.

Although we still haven't spent any
time at the beach here, we have been swimming in the Campground pool several times.  The beach is just too steep and has continued to be fairly rough and has had jelly fish every time we've gone to check it out.

Today, while we were checking it out, a man walked along this board walk and across the very soft, hard to walk in sand with 2 large white pillars.  We wondered what he was doing as we headed back to our car.  As we got in our car, we saw the same man getting something else out of his car and a woman got out of the car carrying 2 huge flower arrangements with lovely bouquets of varying shades of reds.  We aren't sure, of course, as we didn't stay around, but it looked like they were setting up for a wedding or at least a photo shoot of a wedding.  It would have been a beautiful day for it.   The weather this entire week has been lovely.  Sunshine all week.  The forecast has called for possible storms all week, but they never materialized.  It has been hot, but not as humid as the first couple days we were down here.  Apparently being in the swamps is not as good for my allergies as being at the beach near a desert, though, as I've been stuffed up a lot and needing my inhaler.  So just the ocean breezes apparently aren't enough if I'm living in the middle of a swamp, LOL.  Mr. C says there's probably too many mold spores in the air, which is one of my worst allergens.
Speaking of where we are staying and the middle of a swamp, we have seen several animals while we've been here, besides the beautiful Corn Snake in the last blog post.  We've seen a flicker in the huge old pine tree in front of our campsite.  We've seen a bunch of what I think are  nuthatches playing tag in the sycamore tree right next to our trailer.  There are 4 of them and they run up and down the tree and chase each other, sometimes right side up and other times upside down, they are so funny.  We saw a raccoon ambling along one day, as well as a couple deer on our bike rides.
Mr. C has continued to take nightly bicycle rides.  I haven't joined him as much as we both would have liked, but my tailbone feels bruised (to put it politely) and I can hardly sit right now, let alone ride my bike.  Plus, Mr. C really likes to go after dark (or right at dark) as he sees more critters that way and I'm just not comfortable enough yet to like riding after dark.  After one of our evening rides we got back to the trailer just after dark and as we started to go into the trailer, I saw something moving up the side of the trailer.

I thought it was a lizard from the way it was moving but when I shined (shown?) my flashlight on it we saw this bright green tree frog.  Mr. C climbed up on the steps and got as close as he could and got this close up photo.  I wanted to catch him and bring him home, but he was too shy.

On Mr. C's night rides, he has seen deer, bunnies, and his favorite, a couple more snakes.  He saw this Water Snake one night.
 Another night he saw this little snake, he says it was just a baby, it was only about 16 inches long and blended right into the road he was lying on.  This is a Hognose Snake. Mr. C was thrilled to see and photograph these snakes, LOL.

I started to say we have been swimming at the campground pool several times.  They have a fantastic pool here.  The first year we were here in the early spring and although we looked at it, it cost a daily fee to swim and it was chilly out, in April, and the pool did not appear to be heated, so we never used it.  There have been enough complaints about a charge to use the pool that Gulf State Park has dropped the fee for people camping here.  Since we didn't want to go into the Gulf with the Jelly Fish, we chose to use the pool.  This is the
most interesting pool I have ever seen.  It is probably about 100 feet long x 18-20 feet front to back in the main part of the pool and then there are 2 short arms coming up off the main rectangular pool, making a squared off U shape.  Each of the arms of the U are about  18 x 18 ft.  One of the arms has 2 sets of stairs into/out of the pool which starts at 2 1/2 feet at the bottom of the stairs.  The other arm has a set of stairs and a ladder (on either side of the arm) and starts out about 3 ft deep.
Across the bottom of the squared off U, the water on one side (with 2 sets of stairs) starts around 3 feet deep, slopes gradually to the center which is about 4 1/2 feet deep and then slopes gradually up to the other side at about 4 ft.  There are ladders along the bottom of the U and at the 4 ft end.  The first day we swam, the water was wonderfully WARM.  The other 3 times we went, it was not quite as warm, but once you got in was quite pleasant and didn't require a lot of effort to "make yourself" get in, so it was not warm, but was not cold either.

There is also a fenced/gated area with a splash pool for kids.  This was a large area with LOTS of fountains spraying toward the center.  There is no depth to speak of, but the surface is a rubberized surface with either air or water trapped underneath (maybe an inch "deep" at any particular place) which moves with the kids so they can run, fall, splash and play without any fear of getting hurt.  There is a very large deck area with three shaded areas and TONS of lounge chairs.  We enjoyed it very much.

There are great views of the lake and ocean and Gulf State Park from the pool area, also.

Meanwhile, back in the trailer, when we're not doing other things like eating, cooking, roasting marshmallows etc. I have been working on canes.  I have completed 3 canes while here in Alabama and have 9 others about 1/3 completed.

It has been a wonderful 3 weeks, but I have to admit, I'm greedy and would like it to be more.  I am so ready for Mr. C to retire and for us to start RVing full time.  We have a lot of work to get our house in a sell able condition, though, before we can even consider going full-timing.

So, ready or not, tomorrow we head back to Illinois to take up our real, everyday lives.  Until I have more to write, I'll leave you here.  Have a great Autumn, where ever you happen to live or be.  Thanks for coming along on our journey.  Smiles, Sue C

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Big excitement today, Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Gulf State Park Campground

Spoiler alert to my MOM, Don't look too closely at the pictures after the sentence "we got to the half way point". . .

We didn't do much today, it's Sunday and things are too crowded on weekends, so we tend to stick around camp.  So I caught up on my blog (including weeding out a bunch of "bad" photos and editing/cropping others).

We took a drive and checked out 3 other campgrounds.  Only one of them would be okay for our preferences.

Mr. C worked on the bikes, putting odometers on them and finding mine has a bad inner tube, so we had to go get a new inner tube for it.  

We saw a cute bird in the next campsite over.  It was there both times we came back from an errand.  Some kind of little ground bird, I can't remember if it's a quail, but I think that's what it is.  Here's the picture, you can decide what it is.

We had hot dogs on the grill with chips and roasted marshmallows for dinner and then just before dark we decided to take our 2 mile bike ride, down the wilderness trail beyond the campground.  This is the same road we saw a BIG deer on last time we rode it, so this time I told Mr. C to be sure to bring the camera.  Only problem is, the little camera is about out of battery and somehow or other we managed to leave home without that particular charger.  Poor planning on our part, I grabbed the wrong camera bag.
We got to about the half way point and turned around and started back.  
Mr. C said, wait a minute, slow down and very carefully started to go around a large stick in the road . . . but wait a minute, I don't remember going around a stick on our way out. . .
We got closer and I asked Mr. C, "Is that a snake?  What kind is it?"(I was still a ways back)?  He said "It's just a Corn Snake, and a fairly nice size one".  I excitedly said, "Quick, get the camera out and take a picture."  It was getting too dark to get a good picture with that camera, as it's a very basic point and shoot and on auto insists on

the setting and won't let you chose your own setting, even if you want to force a flash on it, you can't, plus the final battery is running out.
Darn, it's getting dark.  We need the good camera.  I said, "Mr. C, you just have to go back to the trailer as fast as you safely can and get the good camera.  We can't let this opportunity pass us by."

You have to understand here, Mr. C. LOVES snakes .  He used to raise them before he met me, used to help with poisonous reptile research, and at one time we had over 200 snakes in our house on shelves lining our walls about a foot down from the ceiling. . .200 snakes require a LOT of mice and we finally got tired of messing and gave it all away, LOL.  But that's another story. . .  Back to this corn snake.  He asked if I'd be okay, alone there by myself (remember, it's wilderness/swamp and it's getting dark).  I assured him I'd be fine and off he went.  I didn't feel safe riding my new bike that fast yet. . .
It was dark enough for me to take this picture:  Less than 3 minutes after he left I hear a grunting noise off to my rear/right. . . like a pig sound, kind of?  I've never heard a bear sound?  Then I heard an answering grunt off to the side and then one right in the ditch beside me. . . Okay, then, if it's right here beside me and I don't see anything but a ditch with a bit of water, it's a bullfrog, more than likely.  
So they kept calling and it kept getting darker and the snake just laid there in the middle of the path keeping warm on the pavement.
She was a big girl, around 4 ft long and Mr. C. says he thinks the way she was lying there she may have been a gravid female.  He finally got back, with a flashlight and the camera and we proceeded to take her picture until she finally had enough and moved off into the ditch and the dark.

I told Mr. C. about the sounds and we talked about me staying there alone and he said, "You know, it could have been a rattle snake!"  He continued, "But I wouldn't have left you here alone with a rattle snake."  Like THAT was even a POSSIBILITY, LOLOL.
But isn't she pretty,?  She has beautiful coloration.  If we hadn't been in a State Park he would have caught her and taken her home to our daughter who is trying to raise corn snakes, LOL.  Sorry B, no snake this time.  LY anyway.

We rode off towards our campsite.  We passed a man going that direction and excitedly told him what we had seen.  He said, "Oh no, I'm geocaching and I hate snakes, I'm scared to death of them".  We assured him she was long gone that she had moved off into the ditch, probably hunting.  Then, after he was out of sight and sound, said, oops, guess not everybody will be excited with our sighting, will they and laughed and laughed.  We got home, I completed last night's blog and wrote this one.

 Now I'm all caught up and I'm off to bed.  We're planning to go to the beach tomorrow, hopefully I'll have something interesting to write about, but if not, I'll be back when I do have something fun to write about.  Bye for now, thanks for reading along.  Smiles, Sue C