Gulf Shores, Alabama
Still "living" at Gulf State Park
I find it kind of humorous that we don't do anything for several days and then we do everything else right in a row. Not on purpose, but it ends up being that way.
We have taken a dolphin search cruise down here in Alabama, in the past:
The absolute only thing I would change is that although they may be able to "legally" have 46 people on board and I'm sure money wise to cram as many paying passengers on as possible is the "way to go", it would have been a much more enjoyable experience if we had not been packed on like sardines. Being as short as I am, it was very difficult to get good pictures or even to see over many of the other people. I would have had a better
We passed this "pirate" ship. It is owned by a couple of women who plan "pirate adventures" for kids and take them out for a cruise as pirates. It was cute.
We had a fantastic Captain and first mate, Rachel. Our Captain reminded me a lot of my Uncle Kenny, a happy man with a laugh and joke for everything. He and Rachel were both fun and interesting tour guides.
First we learned a lot about the Intracoastal Waterway which goes all the way across the Gulf Coast, from Brownsville, TX to FL. According to the Website "Everything" "In the 19th and early 20th centuries, navigators were faced with a problem; to ship supplies by sea to another American location, they had to follow the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico and/or the Atlantic Ocean. However, these voyages were often fraught with peril, from offshore storms, shallow reefs, and high waves. A better system was needed, to reduce the hazards of navigating the coasts and to shorten distances.
The American government mulled its options, and finally passed the River and Harbor Act. Approved January 21, 1927, the act authorized the establishment and maintenance of an inland waterway in general seventy-five feet wide and eight feet deep at mean low water, following a coastal route from Brownsville, Texas, to New York. However, work on this project was often delayed or done piecemeal; until the late 1970's, continuous projects were initiated by the Army Corps of Engineers to deepen and widen existing channels, or create new ones.
Although the plans called for a continuous route from Brownsville to New York, it required a canal through the Florida peninsula, and this was never created. Thus, the Intracoastal waterway is divided into two sections; the Gulf Coast section, running 1,100 miles from Brownsville, Texas to Apalachee Bay, Florida; and the Atlantic section, running 1,900 miles from Key West, Florida to Boston, Massach An interesting use of the Waterway occurred in WWII. Allied submarines and cargo ships were often beseiged by German U-Boats, so during the war the route became a safe refuge for ships and submarines, as well as basic industrial shipping, as the U-Boats would often prowl up and down the coast looking for targets." The depth of the Intracoastal Waterway in the main channel has to be at least 12 feet, but a lot of the rest of the bay we were, Wolf Bay, in (the Intracoastal Waterway runs through this bay) is mostly 4-8 feet deep. Our Captain teased us that if the boat sank we'd just join hands and walk out. It was a huge bay and I would have never guessed that most of it is less than 12 feet deep. They not only found us "A" dolphin to see,
and deleted the 200 that were just blurs or water. There were still more than enough for this blog and then some. It was the best dolphin cruise we've ever taken.
various kinds of swamp grasses and a few left over wrecks from past storms. We also learned a lot about this area. For one thing, we learned why we haven't seen any alligators around here. Apparently when Hurricane Ivan (back in 2004) roared through here there was a storm surge of over 6 feet which flooded the swamps (which are freshwater and remember, alligators are fresh water animals)
So, we had a very interesting, fun, and informational 2 hours with the Explorer, crew. We even got to "Drive the boat". Thank you, Cetacean Cruises, we had a good time and consider it money very well spent.
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